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CD4D2 Evaluation

The United Nations University-MERIT and Maastricht University are conducting a scientific evaluation of the CD4D2 project. They have previously been involved in the evaluation of CD4D1 and its predecessor, IOM’s Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) project. The evaluation of the CD4D2 project takes place over four years. It aims to identify:

  1. Why diaspora members from Iraq, Nigeria and Somalia, as well as host institutions in the three countries, were motivated to participate in CD4D;
  2. What participants’ expectations are for the CD4D project,
  3. What the experiences of host institutions, colleagues, and participants are during the project

The evaluation furthermore focuses on analyzing the form and frequency of knowledge transfer and identifying potential barriers, which informs if and how the CD4D project affects (lasting) positive changes for host institutions, colleagues, and participants. For this assessment, the Maastricht research team collects quantitative and qualitative through surveys and interviews with CD4D2 participants, their colleagues at the host institutions, and a wide variety of stakeholders such as IOM staff, diaspora organizations, policymakers and embassy personnel. They do so at three different points in time: before the knowledge transfer assignments take place, directly afterwards and one year later.

For questions about the evaluation, please contact:

Dr. Michaela Vanore This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Laura Cleton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can access the evaluation reports of the CD4D2 project below:

CD4D2 Baseline Report (August 2020)
CD4D2 Mid-term Report (August 2021)
CD4D2 Mid-term Report (December 2022)
CD4D2 Final Report October 2023

You can access the previous evaluations of the CD4D1 project below:

CD4D1 Literature Review (August 2016)
CD4D1 Baseline Report (May 2017)
CD4D1 Mid-term Report (June 2018)
CD4D1 Final Report (October 2019)

You can access other (academic) publications linked to the CD4D evaluation below:

Kuschminder, Katherine, Charlotte Mueller, Kiza Magendane & Yannicke Goris, 2021, Diaspora and knowledge transfer - the evidence, The Broker.
Mueller, Charlotte, 2020, Diaspora Knowledge Transfer in Sierra Leone and Somaliland, in: Maty Konte and Linguère Mously Mbaye (eds.), Migration, Remittances, and Sustainable Development in Africa, Routledge, Abingdon/New York.
Mueller, C., & Kuschminder, K. (2023). Beyond ‘Just Comes’ and ‘Know-It-Alls’: Exploring Strategies to Deal with Returnee Stigmas During Diaspora Return Visits for Knowledge Transfer. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 427-443.

reports CD4D